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Sacred Heart Church is on the edge of the beautiful sandhills in Burwell, Nebraska. Our parish

is a thriving mission church that serves the needs of the people of Burwell, Taylor and surrounding areas including the Calamus Lake. 

After the Civil War many good people came out and settled in the Great American Desert - a forbidding land - "where neither man or beast can survive." They were the people of God - greatly appreciating the gifts of the land. Such were our forefathers. There were many ethnic origins - many faiths. Among these were Catholics who settled here and thanked the good Lord for land, water and grass. The also wanted to worship and thank the Lord in their own way in this land where freedom of worship prevailed. The first Masses in the 1880's were offered in private homes. Then in 1892, as numbers grew, masses were offered in the Burwell Court House and later in the School. By 1894 enough funds were gathered to build a frame church on the present site.  In 1910 Burwell was designated a parish under the title of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  In 1915, the present permanent brick church was built for $10,000.00.  It was a splendid effort in those days!  The church was dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by Most Rev. Bishop Duffy.     The present rectory was built in 1923 and the parish center in 1970.  

Priests to Serve the People

     Father Patrick Manning 1910-1915.  The present brick church was built during his pastorate.

     Father Peter Donnelly 1916. Father James McMahon 1917.  Father Martin Lawlor 1918-1921.

     Father Thomas Murray 1921-1944. The Rectory was built in 1923. St. Theresa's Church in Ericson becomes a mission of Burwell. 1930 first tent booth at Nebraska's Big Rodeo in Burwell with a profit of $251.08!

     Father Robert Maron 1944-1948;   Father Albert Vifquain 1948-1955 The indebtness of the parish was cleared during Fr. Vifquain's pastorate. He also updated the heating system to natural gas and installed a new organ.   Father Carroll Liebig 1955-1966. Stations of the Cross added.

Father Hubert Spanel 1966-1972.  Fr. Spanel supervised the building of the Parish Center and parking lot.  Father James Kremeier 1972-1977. A reconciliation/Mother's room was added to the church. A 2 car garage was built on to the rectory. Father Edmund Placek 1977-1986.

     After 64 years of sandhills winters and summers, the need of interior renovation on the Church was evident. Preliminary work was started in 1978, a new roof and air conditioning units.In October of 1979 the essential interior work began. The sanctuary area was extended north,as orignially planned but not done because of lack of funds at the time of builing. The ceiling was refinished with redwood cedar, a unique feature, as a memorial to the men of the parish. Earth colors were used in the decorating.  The original pews were stripped and refinished. New lighting and carpeting was installed. The altar and sanctuary furniture is made of native Sandhill cedar, a memorial to the women of the parish. The Art-glass cross behind the altar is a memorial to the parish youth. In the center of the cross are relica of our first North American Saints, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and St. John Neuman. These are framed by pieces of pure black meteorite-Moon Rock. The ceiling arrow, the first point leads to the cross and altar, our Christian belief and obligation to Christ; then as we turn to leave the other arrow points to the world outside and our life and duties to our family, fellow man and work.

     On October 26, 1980, Bishop Lawrence McNamara presided at a re-dedication ceremony. 

On January 31, 1982, with the encouragement of Father Placek as Chaplain, the Knights of Columbus Rosary Council #7959 was orginized in Burwell. Unforturately Fr. Placek became ill in the early part of 1986 and passed away on May 1, 1986.

     Father John Cook 1986-1991. The church steps at the entrance were redesined and lengthened and a handicap ramp was installed.   Father Michael McDonald 1991-1997. July of 1993 Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary in Sargent becomes a mission of Burwell.

     Father Bernard Berger 1997-2003.  In 1999 The Unborn Memorial was built with a walkway and quiet space.  Fr. Berger was instrumental in forming the Erina Project in 2000, to research and care for Erina Cemetery, a Catholic homesteader cemetery north of Burwell.  On July 1, 2001 Sacred Heart Church, Burwell becomes a mission of Ord; St. Theresa's, Ericson becomes a mission of Spalding.  Father James Heithoff 2003-2005.  Sargent now becomes a mission of Broken Bow.  

    Father Thomas Ryan, 2005-2013.  Many updates to the Church, office and Parish Center were made during Fr. Tom's pastorate. The Parish Center roof was damaged due to a heavy snow and was replaced in 2008;  the blacktop was replaced by concrete in the Parish Center parking lot in 2010. In April 2012, a TV/video system was installed to tape events in the church so you can view them in the parish center. In July of 2012 the bell tower was painted and refinished by Steve Dawe Construction. A new sound system was installed in the church.

Fr. Thomas Ryan retired from the priesthood in 2013.

     In 2011 we welcomed Fr. Mark Maresh as associate Pastor of Ord/Burwell. Fr. Mark was transferred to St. Leo's in Grand Island in 2016.

     Fr. Joshua Brown 2013-2016. Sacred Heart Church was Fr. Josh's first parish as the Pastor.  During his short stay in Burwell, many repairs were made to the Church and grounds.  New cabinets were added to the Sacristy, new front doors to the Church, and the front sidewalk was removed and made into much needed parking in front of the Church. The bathrooms were remodeled in the Parish Center.

    Fr. John Kakkuzhiyil 2016 - 2018. The Parish Center is recieving a much needed facelift as the floors are being retiled and the walls repainted.

    In July 2019, we welcomed Fr. Scott Harter to our parish family.  

     We continue our journey in faith and spread the message of the Gospel by faith and deeds and will always find a home in Sacred Heart Church.


Religious vocations from Sacred Heart Parish :

Sister Irmina (Hilda Wunderlich), 1920; Sisters of St. Joseph, Salina, Kansas

Sister Stanislaus (Theresa Kruml, daughter of Frank & Marie Kruml), 1950; Ursuline Novitiate, Louisville, Kentucky

Sister Francis Marie (Georgia Jean Kruml, daughter of Frank & Marie Kruml), 1952;  Ursuline Novitiate, Louisville, Kentucky

Sister Paul Marie (Cecelia Kruml, daughter of Frank & Marie Kruml), 1952; Ursuline Novitiate 

Sister Mary Catherine ( Jenny Bykerk, daughter of Ed & Sonja Bykerk of Taylor, NE), August 2008; Sisters of Christ The King, Lincoln, Nebraska


Sacred Heart Church 1915
Interior 1915
Laying of the cornerstone
Present day Rectory
Present day Parish Center
Stained Glass Cross with relics of first American Saints - Elizabeth Ann Seton and John Neuman
Fr. Martin Lawler.jpg
Fr. Thomas Murray.jpg
Fr. Patrick Manning 1910-1915
Fr. James McMahon
Fr. Martin Lawlor
Fr. Thomas Murray
Fr. Robert Maron
Fr. Albert Vifquain
Fr. Carroll Liebig
 Fr. Hugh Spanel      Fr. James Kremeier    Fr. Edmund Placek       Fr. John Cook         Fr. Mike McDonald   Fr. Bernard Berger    Fr. James Heithoff
      1966-1972                1972-1977                     1977-1986                  1986-1991                    1991-1997                   1997-2003                  2003-2005
 Fr. Thomas Ryan       Fr. Mark Maresh        Fr. Joshua Brown    Fr. John Kakkuzhiyil       Fr. Scott Harter
     2005-2013                   2011-2016                     2013-2016                   2016 - 2018                    2019 - Present             

Sacred Heart Catholic Church  is a mission of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Ord, NE

Fr. Scott Harter is our Pastor.

Contact Fr. Scott at 308-728-3351 (Ord office) 



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757 I Street 

Burwell, NE 68823




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