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                           Saint Patrick
                      The Holy Family
       The Blessed Virgin Mary
                          Saint Peter
            The Sacred Heart of Jesus
                  Agony in the Garden
                    Saint Joseph
      The Child Jesus in the Temple
          Madonna and Child
          Saint Anthony and Child
          Saint Elizabeth of Hungary
                       Saint Bridget
      Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
               The Holy Family

The Stained Glass Cross with relics of the first American Saints -         Elizabeth Ann Seton and John Neuman

The original stained glass windows were donated by: Sacred Heart by Fr. Patrick Manning; The Child Jesus in the Temple by the children of Sacred Heart; The Madonna & Child by Jos. E. Mineret in memory of his beloved wife Margaret Boyle; The Holy Family by B.V.M. Solidarity; St. Peter by the Knights of Columbus; The Blessed Virgin Mary by the Altar Society; St. Patrick by John O'Connor; St. Bridget by Wm. Maddon and wife; St. Joseph by H.H. Franssen; St. Elizabeth by Thos. Meuret and wife; Agony in the Garden by Mrs. E.E. Cannon; St. Anthony & Child by Wm. Hynes. The double tower windows of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary were donated by M.B. O'Donaghue and wife in memory of Julie. (As per newspaper article)

Under the leadership of Fr. Edmund Placek,1977-1986; essential interior work was done. This included,extending the sanctuary altar area to the north, carpet, new lighting, the large stained cross behind the altar, and the beautiful ceiling of native redwood and cedar.  The arrow on the ceiling leads to the cross and the altar and is our Christian belief and obligation to Christ. As we turn to leave, the other arrow points to the world outside and our life and duties to our family, fellow man and work.

Stations of the Cross

Walk with Jesus

  I  Jesus is Condemed
II  Jesus takes His cross
III Jesus meets His Mother
  IV Jesus falls the first time
   V Simon helps Jesus
VI Jesus falls a   second time
VII Veronica wipes   the Face of Jesus
VIII Jesus meets the women
IX Jesus falls a third time
  X Jesus is stripped
XI Jesus is nailed to the cross
XII Jesus dies on the Cross
XIII The Body of Jesus is taken down
XIV The Body of Jesus is laid in a tomb


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